2025 Friends of Tamarancho Trails Day Pass
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Tamarancho Trails Day Pass - for all dates in 2025

The Marin Council, BSA operates Camp Tamarancho in the scenic hills above Fairfax, CA.  We provide access to several excellent mountain biking trails through an 8-mile loop around the perimeter of the camp property, in partnership with the Friends of Tamarancho volunteers and the Marin County Open Space Preserve.

Details and use conditions are in this FoT application.  Please download the form, read it, sign, and retain a copy.  Your submission of payment online using your credit card indicates your acceptance of the terms & conditions therein, as well as obeying all Trail Rules while on camp property.  When you buy a pass, you will receive email newsletters from time to time with updates about the Tamarancho Trails program as well as other mountain-biking news around greater Marin.

This is a Single Day Pass --- please be sure to enter the date you intend to use it at Camp Tamarancho.  Your receipt is your Day Pass, which may be subject to inspection on the trail network.  Please print it out or keep a digital copy on your cellphone, and carry it with you when you come up to ride.  Youth under age 15 do not need a pass.

Please print and review this helpful map of the area, and note the parking information in particular.

No parking at any time on Iron Springs Road.

Do not ride in the rain or when trails are wet.

Pass must always be visible while riding.

Always ride in control.

No dogs allowed.

We wish you safe and enjoyable riding on the bike trails single-track trails at Camp Tamarancho.  If you have any questions, please email fot@boyscouts-marin.org or call our office at 415-454-1081.  You can also US Mail any inquiries to the Marin Council, FoT Program, 225 West End Avenue, San Rafael, CA  94901.

Your donation is tax deductible:  Tax ID #94-1156323.

(c) 2024 Marin Council, BSA
225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone:  415-454-1081
Fax:  415-454-5511