IOLS --- Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills Registration
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IOLS --- Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
5/1/2025 12:00 PM
Camp Tamarancho, 1000 Iron Springs Road
Fairfax, CA 94930, US
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This course is an important and enjoyable part of the basic preparations to a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Venturing crew leaders, or parent volunteers.

  • It covers the outdoor skills expected of a new Scout or Venturer.
  • The skills sessions presented closely follow the Scouts BSA handbook and Venturing BSA outdoor skill expectations.
  • Each skills session references specific chapters in the Scout handbook.
  • Scout leaders and volunteers gain confidence in their ability: hands-on, practical application of skills and proven methods that influence growth in positive ways to achieve the purposes of the Boy Scouts of America.
Please bring the following with you to the training:
Please note:
  • Check-in starts at 8:00am, training starts at 8:30
  • No walk-ins accepted!
  • Saturday lunch and dinner, and Sunday breakfast and snacks are provided
We strongly encourage you to complete the Scout BSA Leader-Specific training modules online or in-person prior to attending this IOLS training to get the most benefit. Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster(ASM) Specific training is ONLINE at and is 3 hours 12 minutes in duration, self-paced. Both IOLS and Scoutmaster/ASM training is required to be considered “Trained”.
$45.00 per Participant

(c) 2024 Marin Council, BSA
225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone:  415-454-1081
Fax:  415-454-5511