Scouting 4 Food Community Service - Doorhanger Distribution Wknd

Scouting 4 Food Community Service - Doorhanger Distribution Wknd
Marin Council, 225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901, US
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Together, we can help end hunger in Marin!

A staggering one-in-five of your Marin County neighbors was in need of food assistance during this past year.  Join Marin Council volunteers on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday, November 9-10 to distribute Scouting for Food door hangers throughout assigned neighborhoods in preparation for our annual door-to-door community service campaign on Saturday, November 16 when we will pick-up food donations and transport them to the SF-Marin Food Bank in San Rafael.  Further details and printed doorhangers will be available at the Marin Council Service Center by mid-October, and promoted at the October & November Roundtable meetings.  For a list of 2024 guidelines, please click here!

(c) 2024 Marin Council, BSA
225 West End Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone:  415-454-1081
Fax:  415-454-5511