Webelos Woods is a Virtual Event this year with demonstrations and instruction on Saturdays and "office hours" for extra support and check-ins on Wednesday evenings.
Sept. 19-October 10, 2020
What is Webelos Woods? Webelos Woods is a three week program for incoming or current Webelos I and II Scouts. If your Webelos is entering 4th or 5th grade in the fall of 2020, he/she is eligible to attend. This event is an opportunity to work on Webelos-specific advancement activities lead by volunteers and Scouts BSA and crew members from the Marin Council. Participants will be given instructions online, then do the activities outdoors or at home. There will be special "office hours" to help with activities. This is a fantastic opportunity to get a jump start on the year, so don’t miss out!
Fees and Registration: The fee for the camp is $25 per Scout, which includes activity supplies to be picked up at the Council office. Registration is online only. Attendance is limited to the first 60 Webelos. A waiting list may occur if registration is full before the deadline date. Please call if registration is full and you’d like to be on the wait list.
If registration closes because limit has been reached, call the council office to be put on wait list: 415-454-1081.
Note, no refunds after September 12, 2020.
Click this link for details